The Play Card - Sensory Play Recipes
The Play Card - Sensory Play Recipes
Why Engage in Sensory Play?
You’re probably picturing chunks of eggshell in the cake batter, but don’t worry. That’s not what the play recipes are.
This deck contains simple recipes to create play supplies. Think cloud dirt, slime, air dry clay, and glue you can make yourself. When we allow children to actually create their supplies, we fire up a whole lot more of their ever-growing brains.
Every recipe uses simple, grocery store supplies that are inexpensive and easy to find. Each recipe includes 2 different ways to play with the finished product.
Sensory play aids in the cognitive development as it allows children to explore and interact with different stimuli. The Play Card - Sensory Play Recipes is an excellent guide to venture into this learning method, providing numerous sensory play ideas each with a detailed recipe.
Sensory play facilitates better learning as it enables the child to use all their senses. It aids in refining their thresholds for different sensory information, helping their brain create stronger connections to the sensory information and learn which are useful and which can be filtered out.
With our product, you can allow your child to engage in sensory play in a safe and structured way. From messy play to imaginative play, our recipes guide you on how to define and set up each type of play, and how to drive learning in an unstructured environment.